Thursday, March 17, 2011

easiest tee shirt stencil project

I found these lace doilies at the thrift store for ten cents, most of them were very country images (like hearts with ducks) but i found a tiger and an owl and snatched them up. I knew I wanted to use them as stencils on a tee shirt for the judester and mazzy.

i laid out my drop cloth (old sheet also thrifted from a garage sale). stuck some scraps of foam core board inside the tee to keep it from bleeding through.

step one: gather materials. tee shirt, stencil/lace, spray mount, spray paint

step two: lay the lace face down (really doesn't matter with this except if you want the animal to face a certain direction). spray with spray mount.

step three: flip lace over and position on the tee where you want it

step four: we used a little brown

step five: and we used black on top

step six: remove the lace and voila. grrrr. (i was mad at myself for getting lazy and not putting paper down around the stencil to avoid over spray but it was VERY windy and nothing was staying put. See where i got black paint on the side and sleeve? well i disguised it by spelling out JUDE down the side (i used some plastic stencil letters from a sidewalk chalk set we have) and sprayed it in black. We liked the lettering so much we wrote out something special on the back of the shirt.

What The Chicken!?

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