Sunday, August 29, 2010

zombiefood cleared out some stuff

Rhiannon and I had a garage sale this past weekend (and snuck in shopping at a few other people's sales this weekend too).
We cleared out some space and did some "spring" cleaning to get our studios in order. Sometimes you have to take a break from creating to make sure your space is inviting and easy to work in.

First, my best find - vintage round suitcase. $1. Not sure what I am going to do with it but couldn't pass it up.

I didn't take too many shots of our sale but we had TONS of shoes for sale

 and loads of purses for sale

...and we sold almost everything we put out. A LOT of people got some great deals at our "hodge podge" end of summer sale. (five different people brought stuff to put on the sale). A relief to be finished and now on to cleaning and organizing what's left.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

a few pictures of zombiefood

"wtc!?" (what the chicken), The Judester freezer paper stencil
custom designs available (kids, significant other, funny images, etc.). i think we'll do a freezer paper tutorial for you soon. a fun project for tweens.

upcycled sweater hats, original idea found here
but we tweaked the idea and made it our own (and we have some surprise designs coming for 2010 holiday season)

mix and match tee shirt skirts. loads of tutorials on making skirts from tees online. i saw the idea here 
again, i made it my own through design and i did not like the lack of waist band on that tutorial so i created my own drawstring waist band.

getting this thing going

I have been running the ZombieFood site from Facebook for several months but thought we needed a presence here for linking, etc.

ZombieFood has evolved from a little temporary shop I opened two years ago (it was always meant to be a two month endeavor -november and december). More of a glorified "open house". I wanted local artists and friends (and myself of course) who make stuff out of other stuff to have a place to display and sell their goodies.

My good friend Rhiannon got inspired, which kept me inspired. She started sewing little fused plastic bags and her sewing skills grew to include adorable upcycled tee shirt dresses for toddlers (pattern bought from 

We threw together an open house at her place last November and it was well received so we threw together another one at my house a couple weeks later. We tried out a few names like "Junk 2.0" and "Marcus&Mazzy", but never quite felt right. I sewed a hat and put the words Zombie Food on it, someone said "that would be a great name" so we ran with it. We figure Zombie Food is brains and we usually feel like zombies after a late night of crafting.

that is that, now on with the show.